So What’s Holding You Back?

Are you afraid to fail? Or are you afraid to get started because you might fail? The late TV preacher Robert Schuler famously said, “What would you try to do if you couldn’t fail?” Do you dare to dream big? Your realities can only be as big as your dreams.
What are your BHAGs? BHAGs were described by author Jim Collins as “big hairy audacious goals.” In his book, “Good to Great,” he pointed out that enduring, great companies had these in common. All of them were willing to set outrageous goals. Steve Jobs built the world’s most valuable company and changed the world by constantly encouraging his people to “put a dent in the universe.”
Speaking of Apple, after sending my iPhone into Lake Superior while canoeing the Isle Royale wilderness, I replaced it with a new one. At first I was disappointed that the new version also had a new version of Solitaire (yes, I do waste my spare time on such frivolities). I was amazed, though, that I was playing this new version with a much higher rate of success. Instead of the 40 percent win rate that I had in one card on my old phone, I was winning around 54 percent with this new version.
Then, one day I opened the game settings—quite by accident—and discovered the game was rigged. Every hand was a winning hand. Now my winning streak is at 145 games. I mean, why should I lose if every hand is a winning hand? Yes, I may have to have some replays and some do-overs, but knowing I can win as long as I don’t quit has been a valuable lesson.
I believe life is much like that, and business is much like that. You can only lose when you give up, when you quit. Remember, you can only get what you dare to go after.
Raise your bar. Dream bigger. Go for it.

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